Dear Friends and Supporters:
The Starfish Connection web site this year is dedicated to the memory of our co-founder, inspiration, dear friend and hero, Judy Martin. Over the past ten years, Judy meticulously selected an amazing group of children and matched them with loving and talented mentors to help guide them over the many hurdles that are part of the maturation process. Judy carefully nurtured each student/mentor relationship and found great joy in this work.
Judy also assembled an outstanding Board of Directors who work tirelessly in so many capacities and support the Starfish Connection mission as it continues to grow and meet the changing needs of our students. Their dedication and commitment is unwavering.
Sadly, Judy passed away in November after a hard-fought battle against cancer. We miss her tremendously, but we have a strong team and the critical infrastructure to continue Judy’s legacy. We have already accepted six new mentors and students who will join our program in the fall.
You are also part of our Starfish Connection family. Your continuing support has enabled us to provide our students with life-changing experiences. This year we have seen Judy’s vision come true. Our first three seniors have graduated from high school and will attend college in September. Beverly and Michou will attend Tufts University and Jonathan will attend UCONN-Stamford. Their mentors, Maria Millan, Carol Lilienthal and Kate Herman are incredibly proud of the many accomplishments of their students over the last ten years.
The entire Starfish Connection community is committed to fulfilling Judy’s promise: to change the lives of the children and families in our program, one child at a time. With your continuing support we can make dreams come true for our students.
Janet Schneider
Executive Director